Applying to Schools
Helpful hints when applying to schools
Visit/ Tour: What should parents and students look for?
- Ask LOTS of questions during your tour.
- Try to talk with other students, in addition to your tour guide.
- On tour, try to keep asking yourself, can I see myself at this school?
- While looking at a school, try to figure out the essence/vibe of the school.
- Do the students seem happy and engaged or stressed and distant?
- You will be nervous, but you do not have to be.
- We try to get students excited about themselves and excited about the process during the interview.
- Think of some anecdotes you want to share.
- Be prepared to ask questions, but avoid those you can easily find answers to on the website.
- Don’t be stressed and just be yourself (easy for us to say!).
- Remember, we are not trying to trick you and there is never a wrong answer.
- The test matters, but don’t spend so much time on it that you lose focus on your academics.
- Get to the point where you "feel" prepared.
- We look at more than just your overall scores.
- If they are lower, we will look at right/wrong/omitted ratio to help us understand your performance better.
- We super-score, which means we combine the best results section scores from multiple tests.
- Do not forget, we look at the writing portion of the test.
- We all ask for a recommendation from a math and English teacher, as well as a school counselor/principal/head of school.
- You are welcome to submit a fourth recommendation.
- Remember, choose someone who knows you well.
- Be careful not to submit too many recommendations and they should not be too lengthy.
- You are a 3-D person, but the application is a 2-D paper. Show us as many dimensions as possible.
- Make sure you write the essay yourself; we can tell if it is not authentic.
- Choose answers to questions that are meaningful to you.
- Do not tell us what you think we want to hear. Be yourself.
What are schools looking for?
- Admission decisions are made based on best fit.
- You need to be genuine in how you present yourself.
- The most attractive students are those that are willing to engage in many aspects of school life.
- Academics
- Extracurricular Activities
- Clubs/Organizations
- Dormitory Life
- Community