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Placement Professionals

to May 9

Upcoming Events

In May 2025, the Mid-Atlantic Boarding School Group will once again host its annual four-day School Tour for placement counselors.  Our schools - Mercersburg, Episcopal, St. Andrew’s, Peddie, and Blair - always look forward to hosting educational consultants and placement directors who are guiding families through the high school application process. We hope you'll consider joining the tour and taking advantage of this unique opportunity to visit all five of our schools, while connecting with our communities and fellow placement professionals. We are happy to provide transportation between schools, as well as lodging, for our guests.

Spots are limited; we will offer registration to as many participants as possible. Get on our list for future communication about the Spring 2025 tour by sending an email to

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to May 3

MABS Spring Counselor Tour

  • Google Calendar ICS

MABS will again host our annual Spring Counselor Tour, a unique opportunity for placement professionals to visit all five of our consortium's school campuses. 

The tour will begin on Tuesday, April 30th, and will conclude on Friday, May 3rd. Transportation is provided. Guests will visit Mercersburg Academy, Episcopal High School, St. Andrew's School, The Peddie School, and Blair Academy. 

Space is very limited. Please email if you are interested in joining us.

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to Apr 29

2020 Spring Tour (Canceled)

In April 2020, our five schools will welcome a diverse group of educational consultants and school placement directors to our campuses. Attendees will have the opportunity to visit all five schools in just three and a half days. Each campus stop will provide placement professionals with the chance to meet with students, take a tour, and spend aluable time with school leaders. Once on the tour, the program is all-inclusive (transportation between schools, meals, and overnight hotel accommodations (all private single rooms) are covered by the Mid-Atlantic Boarding School Group). A shuttle from Newark International Airport or Blair will be provided on Sunday, April 26 and a shuttle will be available for the return trip from Mercersburg to BWI or IAD at the conclusion of the tour on Wednesday, April 29.

Click Here to receive more information on the MABS Spring School Tour. (CANCELED due to COVID-19.)

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4:00 PM16:00

Bermuda Reception with Berkshire School

CANCELED - Please contact the individual schools for a phone call or SKYPE conversation to learn more about our schools.

The Mid-Atlantic Boarding School Group, along with Berkshire School (Massachusetts), will be hosting an intimate reception and school fair for prospective families in Bermuda. The event will be held at the Hamilton Princess Hotel (76 Pitts Bay Road) on Sunday, October 14 from 4:00-6:00 pm. Attendees will have the opportunity to have a collective conversation with representatives from all six schools as well as ample time to speak to individual institutions. Light fare and refreshments will be served. Please RSVP below.

To register, please CLICK HERE

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to Sep 26

2018 Fall School Tour

This September, our five schools will welcome a group of educational consultants and placement directors to our campuses. Attendees will have the opportunity to visit all five schools in just three and a half days. Each stop will provide consultants with the chance to meet with students, take a tour, and spend time with school leaders at all the individual schools. Once on the tour, the program is all-inclusive (transportation between schools, meals, and overnight hotel accommodations (private rooms) are covered by the Mid-Atlantic Boarding School Group). A shuttle from Newark International Airport or Blair will be provided on Sunday, September 23 and a shuttle will be available for the return trip from Mercersburg to BWI or IAD at the conclusion of the tour on Wednesday, September 26.

Click Here to receive more information on the MABS Fall School Tour The Fall Tour is FULL AND CLOSED- Please consider our Spring 2019 Tour.

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4:00 PM16:00

Philadelphia PA Reception

The Mid-Atlantic Boarding School Group event in Philadelphia will be held at The Saturday Club in Wayne, PA. The programming will begin at 4pm and conclude by 6pm. Each school will share thoughtful insight about the value of a boarding school education as well as how to best tackle the application process. There will be time at the end for Q&A with the group as well as an opportunity to meet and chat with current/former parents, alumni, faculty and students from the various schools.

This programming is designed for prospective students, their parents, educational consultants and school placement directors. Please register by September 20, 2018.

Click Here to register for the Philadelphia Reception.

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6:30 PM18:30

San Francisco Reception

The Mid-Atlantic Boarding School Group event in San Francisco at the Presidio Golden Gate Club on the evening of Monday, September 17. The programming will begin at 6:30pm and conclude by 8:30pm. This event is designed for prospective students, their parents, education consultants and school placement advisors. A senior-level admissions director from each school will lead a collective conversation about the Mid-Atlantic boarding experience and provide guidance for the admissions process itself. An opportunity for group mock interviews for students will also be provided.

Click Here to register for the event. 

Dress is smart casual and parking is available on site.

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4:00 PM16:00

Washington DC Reception

The Mid-Atlantic Boarding School Group event in Washington, D.C. will be held at The Mayflower Hotel in D.C. The programming will begin at 4pm and conclude by 6pm. Each school will share thoughtful insight about the value of a boarding school education as well as how to best tackle the application process. There will be time at the end for Q&A with the group as well as an opportunity to meet and chat with current/former parents, alumni, faculty and students from the various schools.

This programming is designed for prospective students, their parents, educational consultants and school placement directors. Please register by September 14, 2018.

Click Here to register for the Washington, D.C. reception.

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